12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget
Have you heard of the 12 year prayer to Saint Bridget? This prayer is said to be one of the most powerful prayers in the Catholic Church. It is believed that saying this prayer every day for 12 years can lead to the salvation of a loved one's soul. In this article, we will dive deeper into the history and significance of the 12 year prayer to Saint Bridget.
What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?
The 12 year prayer to Saint Bridget is a prayer that is said to have originated from Saint Bridget of Sweden. According to legend, Saint Bridget was visited by Jesus Christ, who showed her the wounds on his body and asked her to offer prayers in his honor. The prayer consists of 15 prayers, which are said every day for 12 years. It is believed that this prayer can lead to the salvation of a loved one's soul, as well as bring blessings and graces to the person saying the prayer.
The 15 Prayers
The 15 prayers that make up the 12 year prayer to Saint Bridget are as follows:
1. An Our Father 2. 15 Hail Mary's 3. A Glory Be 4. O Jesus, O Sweetest Heart of Mary, O Sweetest Heart of Joseph 5. I give you my soul, etc. 6. I pray Thee, O Jesus, through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds, etc. 7. I offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, etc. 8. My Crucified Jesus, etc. 9. O Jesus, I Adore Thee, etc. 10. I offer Thee, etc. 11. O Divine Eternal Father, etc. 12. O Holy Ghost, etc. 13. O Mary, Mother of Grace, etc. 14. O Jesus, our Love, etc. 15. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
It is recommended to say the prayer at the same time every day for 12 years, and to offer it for the salvation of a loved one's soul.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I say the prayer for myself, or does it have to be for a loved one's soul? A: While the prayer is traditionally said for the salvation of a loved one's soul, it can also be said for oneself or for any intention.
Q: Do I have to say all 15 prayers every day? A: Yes, it is recommended to say all 15 prayers every day for the full 12 years.
Q: What happens if I miss a day? A: If you miss a day, it is recommended to say the prayer twice the next day to make up for it.
The 12 year prayer to Saint Bridget is a powerful prayer that has been said for centuries. It is believed to bring blessings and graces to the person saying the prayer, as well as lead to the salvation of a loved one's soul. By saying this prayer every day for 12 years, we can honor Jesus Christ and offer prayers for the souls of those we love.